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Available Online

Stress & Anxiety Recovery Program

Let's create positive change together x5 hypnotherapy sessions

1 hOnline Clinic or Albany Clinic or Coast Clinic

Service Description

As hypnotherapists, i teach individuals coping strategies Provide you with practical tools to manage your stress & anxiety levels. This is one of the most common issues I see in clinic. I regularly work with clients to improve their stress & anxiety levels in my practise. Stress & Anxiety levels continue to increase with the modern-day life. Covid has also had a massive impact that has yet to be fully realised. Adding to your own confidence, being able to turn down the dial on anxiety and stress, & adding these skills to your toolbox can only be a great investment. Let's work out how together in these sessions. Book your appointment with me today, and take the first steps to a more confident, happier you!!! In these five sessions, each lasting 50 minutes, (the first session will need a little longer), you'll learn incredible things about your mind, and body, and how to take charge of it, to move towards a positive future. A future with a more healthier & happier you. You'll also get a personal audio-track that is recorded after the first session to amplify feelings of calm confidence whatever the program you choose. *YOU CAN PAY WEEKLY FOR YOUR SESSION, PLEASE REQUEST VIA EMAIL OR PHONE CALL TO ARRANGE.

Contact Details


Loacte don the 1st floor 233 Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

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